Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Perlukan Idea,Ilham dan Inspirasi!!!

Pertandingan dah dekat...lagu x siap lagi!!Ades....mcm mne ney?Bwt mse hnye dpt bwt intro je.Aq da dpt byg kn dh lagu yg nk di buat org ckp "feel" 2 x smpai lg.Aq harap..lagu yg aq bwt kali dpt "menyuntik" hati para juri nnt.Biar smpai dyorang pon gayang kepale skali!wakakakakaka....Klo kene bwk 2 lagu, lagu lg 1 aq nk bwk lagu tema kitorang yg berjudul "Attention to Patient!!!":) Ok..skang aq akn tunjukkan kt korang lirik lagu tersebut...klo ok,bg tw...klo x ok tw jgk tw supaya boley aq "touch up" siket:)

Attention to Patient!!!
Attention! Attention!
We have a patient..
That was a girl...
Don't worry!
We can treat you..
Don't worry!
We also love u:)

We are The NuRsE!!!

Come here..
To us..
And enter to my heart...
If u sick..
Lets go..
To our clinic..
When you come..
Don't forget..
To cheese and smile:D
And we swear..
Will treat you..
Like an ANGEL!!!

Our patient was sick!
Again and again..
But we don't know..
What is her pain..

We don't know...what should we do
We just make her shame!!!

Haa...itu lah lirik lagu tema kitorang:)
So...lepas ney aq akn terus berfikir utk mencari Idea,Ilham dan Inspirasi serta menghasilkan lagu utk bertanding nnt:)

Gambar aq semasa mencari ilham:)