Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Global Battle oh The Band!!!

Pergh...x sangke siud!!!Rmai gile yg sorak mse kitorang tgh perform smlm.Wlaupon kitorang x bwk fans rmai yg menyorak.Happy gile smlm...wlaupon mse intro ade apek slh bg "q" nseb baik boley cover.Then bile dh start...rmai yg respon!Bangge siud:) Pas 2 ade yg ckp suare aq n band aq mcm MUSE!!!
Hmm...ape kate jom kite tgok pic2 mse event ney nk?Check It Out!!!

Gambar mse practise kt skola

KK tmnung igt spe ntah:)

Our sessionist Saxophonist.Amirul Muaz

Dh dpt pass utk msuk

Keyrool-fans n fotografer

Kecik - 2nd guitar

Auw!!! x?

Muke selenge!!!
Ramli's son:)

The NuRsE!!!

Pose dulu sblum beraksi:)
Nk jugak..haish!!!


Acid the keyboardist

sound check kjp:)

Dh mule:)


Pabila KK memetik bass!!!

mcm Muse la pulak.wakakakaka!!!

~Don't leave me...Baby~*LIRIK LAGU:)



Semangat gile aq mse ney:)

Apek mengetuk drum!!!

Lagi sekali!!!


Muaz ade fan siud:)

Bersama drummer band ape ntah.Aq lupe:P

Jom Balek!!!:( nk mnx tolong korang ney:) Tolong la vote kitorang dlm contest ney ye?X susah..x kene bayar pon.Hanya klik butang "like" dkt vdeo band kitorang dah.Then..ajk la ramai2 vote... Meh aq bg tw care2 cmne nk vote.

1.Bkk Facebook korang (kalau ade)
2.Then add Facebook Astro Hitz di
3.Korang tggu ary Jumaat depan*14 Jan 2011
4.Cari vdeo band kitorang iaitu The NuRsE!!! yg pkai ala2 The Beatles:)
5.Pas 2...klik kt "like button" kt vdeo tersebut:)
6.Dh vote...jgn lupe ajk ramai2 vote kitorang.
7.Klau nk tgok kitorang perform kt astro hitz..bkk channel 705, 9 p.m ,14 Jan 2011
8.Selamat Mencuba!!!
9.Tenqiu so much!!!
10.Support Kitorang:)